
Hi! Welcome to my blog. My name is Hillary.  

Pens and pencils are not needed to write a blog. Or knives and scissors for that matter...though those might be purely allegorical - you know, dice the words, cut through unnecessary content, and chop down the paragraphs to proper portions.

I chose this title for my blog, because my dad, Daniel Hylton is my writing mentor, and he invented the "No pens, pencils, knives or scissors!" rule for his kids. The rule eventually became a family joke, and the story behind it became my very first humor post.

Here you'll find humorous anecdotes, stories about the joys and misadventures in raising children, tales from my childhood, odes to nature, and regular reflections on faith. I write about my OCD, merry-go-round existence and the faith, family and friendships that keep it all together.  I hope you'll enjoy your time here.

I have been published at CatholicMom.com, Hahas for Hoohas, and Aiming Low.  Much of my humor work can be found at humorwriters.org, a site set up in honor of the nationally-syndicated columnist Erma Bombeck, one my writing heroes, at her alma mater.

In 2018 I at last published a story I began as a teenager, based on a childhood Christmas.  I am proud of what I accomplished, and, to quote the Christmas song, it is a perfect story for anyone from age nine to ninety-two who loves tales of faith, family, love and Christmas.  You can purchase The Christmas List HERE.  

God bless,


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